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320 SW Century Dr. Ste 405-173
Bend, OR 97702

Bee Line is the world’s first and finest Hemp Wick made from 100% Certified Organic Hemp in Eastern Europe.  We have pioneered an industry that prides itself on finding a more natural way to smoke and we guarantee that you will love the way Bee Line Hemp Wick smells, tastes and performs!  Crafted from 100% organic products, we have the only Certified Global Organic approved Hemp Wick in the world!

Ollie Cohen

Ollie Cohen


  • Kauai, Hawaii


  • Beekeeper
  • Surfer

Ollie is our new hero!

He started a beehive rescue company (in its first year saved over 60 swarms)

When bees outgrow their hives they divide or swarm, to the unconscious eye these swarms are seen as pests.
Sadly people often call exterminators (if u ever see one please don´'t)

Ollie's rescue operation, saves the bees and provides a new home for them!
No to mention the best honey we've ever tried : )

Lots of love to Ollie and his colonies!

For more info about Ollie and his awesome work with bees go to:

Aloha Honey Bee