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Welcome to the Bee Line Hemp Wick Store. Inside you will find everything from our 100% Global Organic Hemp Wick to Bee Line Stickers to our highly coveted T-shirts. Free Shipping on all orders over $50! Just use coupon code "freeship50"*
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Organic Hemp Rolling Papers
Organic Hemp Rolling Papers
Important note: PayPal won’t let us accept PayPal as a form of payment for our rolling papers. We are so sorry for the inconvenience, if you would like to still order our papers with a different payment form, we will send you a free pack for every pack you order, even if you buy a whole box, we will send a whole box for free :)
Bee line hemp wick is the first hemp wick company in the world. Having the most time and experience in the industry we have set the standards, therefore we couldn't have our rolling papers be anything less.
When we were researching hemp for our hemp wick we tried many different hemps from all around the world, and settled on Romania where they had been working with hemp a very long time and doing it all in the traditional way before the more modern way of processing it with chemicals.
We took the same approach with our rolling papers as we did with our wick. Rolling papers have been manufactured since 1764. We knew we weren't going to be making better papers than a company that has been making them for 2 1/2 centuries, so we went with the oldest most experienced paper manufacturers in the world, and they made us the highest quality organic hemp rolling papers they could produce.
Crafted in Alcoy Spain, Bee Line rolling papers are the cleanest, thinnest, slowest burning organic hemp rolling papers available. We went with a classic water mark (one of the oldest in the world) to pay homage to the pioneers of the industry.
Organic hemp plant fibers
size 1 1/4
Unbleached - unrefined
No additives
Extra clean, extra slow burn
25 packs/box
Made in Alcoy Spain
Organic acacia gum